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New Car Preparation Detail

When buying a brand new car, you'd expect it to be flawless and perfect, unfortunately this is not the case. In house dealership detailers/ valeters don't have the required time to prepare your brand new vehicle correctly. Leaving buffer trails, holograms and imperfections in the paint, leaving a far from perfect finish. Whilst then trying to offer you a 'lifetime' protection package such as; Diamondbrite, Supaguard and Gard X to name a few, charging you roughly the same cost as this dedicated new car protection detail.

The New Car Detail consists of a full vehicle contamination, even though the car is new it could still have picked up contaminants in transport to dealerships and to myself. A single stage machine polish is then carried out to remove wash marring, holograms buffer trails to leave a perfect gloss and depth boosted paintwork, before sealing with a ceramic coating of your choice. (Refer to the ceramic coatings page)


Washing/ Decontamination Process

  • Wheels cleansed inside-out including brake calipers using a variety of different soft brushes and iron fallout remover.

  • Arches degreased and cleaned.

  • Door shuts and sills cleansed using soft bristle brushes and all-purpose cleaner (APC).

  • Bodywork snowfoam applied, left to dwell, before rinsing.

  • 2 bucket contact wash, using wash mitt.

  • Iron fallout applied to all bodywork to remove ferrous/iron particles.

  • Tar remover then applied and wiped off to remove tar deposits or sticky residue.

  • Bodywork, glass and lights are clay barred to remove all final surface contamination.

  • Vehicle air dried/towel dried.

Machine Polishing/Paint Correction

  • Plastic trims, rubbers and other delicate areas masked using low tack automotive tape.

  • Single stage machine polish to maximise the gloss and depth to paint; also removing any dealer induced marring, holograms, light imperfections or buffer trails.

  • Paintwork then wiped down with an IPA (isopropyl alcohol) to remove and remaining polish residue, to ensure paint is perfectly prepped before ceramic coating is applied.

Ceramic Coating Protection

  • With our professional only accredited Ceramic Coatings from Titan Coatings, we have multiple Coatings to choose from, please refer to the Titan Coatings page here to view each Ceramic Coatings.


Other Areas

  • Tyres Dressed.

  • All exterior plastic/rubber trim dressed.

  • Engine bay cleansed and dressed.

  • Final tooth pickery to remove any polish residue from panel gaps before customer handover/collection.

Call us on 07929 668739.

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All images of vehicles on this website have been worked on and photographed by Jack Simcock

© Finer Details 2019

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